Insurance for the Car Enthusiast

That Classic Car Feeling
The leather smell hits you in the face as you open the door. You slide into the driver seat and turn the key. The engine revs and then softens to a purr. Your young again. The image of your father behind the wheel speeding down the old dirt road comes to mind. This car was his baby, but it would one day be yours. You haven’t been behind the wheel since high school, the night you begged your dad to take it out; you knew it would impress and make you look good. In your mind you can see the phantom memories of your buddies all piled in after the big Friday night win. The kisses you snuck in the back seat with your sweetheart. It’s like the car is a time travel machine. You remember the late nights in the garage, your dad elbow deep under the hood. He knew everything there was to know about that car, and now it’s your turn to pass on the legacy. “They just don’t make cars like this anymore,” you think as you slowly cruise out of the driveway.
Classic cars can create nostalgia in each of us and we can appreciate the “old” antiques of the 50’s, 60’s or any car, “25 years or older,” according to the insurance information institute. Some of us may have dreamed of owning a particular classic car and now your dream has come true.
Now is the time to protect that dream. You wouldn’t want any basic car insurance. Your dream car is not to become your everyday commute vehicle. You need an insurance company that understands and provides policies to honor your classic car heritage.
Has Your Agent Discussed the Following With You?
You will want an insurance company that looks and allows the following to protect such a valuable collection.
- A company that will find and hire a restoration expert. You don’t want any body shop repairing damage to your classic car.
- A company that allows the freedom to drive. You don’t want to feel like you must leave your beauty locked up in the garage if you would rather parade her around the town.
- A company that has a total loss settlement where you and the company agree on the value of the car. If it is ever totaled, they will write you a check for the agreed value, not something lower.
- A company that offers spare parts and trailer coverage. If you want to preserve the milage and would rather haul your treasure across country, your car and trailer are protected.

On the flip side, you might appreciate an older classic, but the car enthusiast in you knows a classic is just not your speed. You need muscle, an engine that gets going as quickly as you do. You don’t want to cruise in a parade, or leave your baby parked for all to ogle. You want to speed down the freeway and be gasped at while you drive through downtown. You want to look the part when you take your special someone out to dinner and toss the valet the key. You want to be “Bond, James Bond.” The car of your dreams reflects who you are; inexhaustible, energetic, pristine. You may have loved that classic in 1965 when it was the hit of the road, but today, you want that 2022 to give you the same feeling you had at 16. You impressed then, and you plan to do it again with the modern-day supercar.

Insuring an Exotic Car
So how do you protect an expensive, exotic image? Find an insurance company that understands and offers you a customizable policy plan. You want a company that offers the following options.
- A company that will find and hire an exotic, luxury car expert who uses only OEM. You don’t want any body shop repairing damage to your car.
- A company that has a total loss settlement where you and the company agree on the value of the car. If it is ever totaled, they will write you a check for the agreed value, not something lower.
- A company that offers a rental comparison car. You don’t want to be placed in Kia if you are used to driving a Lamborghini.
- A company that offers extended replacement cost cover up to 150% of your sum insured.
- A company that offers theft/damages to vehicles audio/visual equipment. Even Bond has enemies.
No matter your speed, it’s important to protect your memories, image, and dreams. There is a specific way to do that with specialized insurance. Call your trusted Tower Street Insurance agent today to find the best policy for your unique car needs.
Call a Tower Street Insurance Agent about Car Insurance Today!
When was the last time you had your insurance truly evaluated to assure there are no gaps? Our agents here at Tower Street Insurance can assess your current coverage for all of your loss control, personal insurance, and business insurance needs.
We would love to set up a meeting to go over your coverage with you and provide you with a coverage gap analysis completely free of charge! Reach out to us today to schedule a meeting and get a quote today.

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5001 Spring Valley Rd., Ste. 500W
Dallas, TX 75244
P. O. Box 803506
Dallas, TX 75380